Need to get in touch?
Currently our studio is open by appointment only, but you can communicate thru any of the following:
Click the button on the left to be taken to MassageBook, our appointment scheduling service. There you can create a free account and request an appointment with any of our therapists.
Texting us is probably the most reliable method of communication. We don’t currently have a receptionist; which means that when we are in the office we are most likely with a client. We check text messages and respond throughout the day, in between client appointments. You can also call and leave a voicemail if that is more your style, although we generally review voicemails at the beginning and end of the business day. Both text messages and calls can be made to: 859-285-2177
Email. Like voicemails we generally only check our emails at the beginning and end of the business day, which varies by the appointments we have scheduled. If email is your preferred method of communication you can reach us at: solarbodies713@gmail.com
Have an appointment and need to find our offices? We are located at:
713 Millpond Road
Suites 11 and B1
Lexington KY 40514
By Appointment Only